WELCOME to ICLnet's Online Bible FTP directory. This file provides instructions for contacting to the Online Bible directory and download instructions. The files in the directory represent the program and add-on modules for version 2.04 of the Online Bible. Files in the diretory are outlined in ICLnet file, 00contents.olb.txt, in the directory. Immediately below, please find our recommendations for down- loading and unpacking the program and the add-on modules. Since the add-on modules are large files and take time to download, we recommend that you have lots of disk space and read the individual read_me files for each component. The Read_Me files describe how much disk space you'll need, and describe the modules in more detail. The files in this archive are uploaded in Apple Single format. Before you attempt a download, you will need to have a recent version of Fetch FTP download software. (Do not attempt to download with Anarchie as there may be problems using Anarchie to download these files.) Set the download preferences for your Fetch software so that it does not default to a text download. With your Fetch software running, connect to the following internet domain address: iclnet93.iclnet.org Use the following password: anonymous Use the following user name: your e-mail address Connect to the following directory: pub/resources/software/mac/online.bible/ Please download all of the following files with your FTP soft- ware set for binary download. They are program files: files with the ".sea" file name extension DiskCopy_4.2 OnlineBible.2.04.image Text files (files with the file name extension,".txt") should be downloaded with our FTP software set to download text files. __________________________________ ONLINE BIBLE PROGRAM FILES/ FOLDER We recommend that you first download the Online Bible program file. The results of your download will yield the necessary folder in which to install the add-on modules, and the program files necessary to use them. 1. Download a copy of the file, DiskCopy-4.2. No unpacking is necessary. Diskcopy is a utility to unpack image files that were made with DiskCopy. 2. Download the file, OnlineBible.2.0.4.image 3. You will need the DiskCopy program in this directory to unpack the file above, named OnlineBible.2.0.4.image, to a 720 k Macintosh formatted diskette. The results of unpacking will yield several files, including the Online Bible program, version 2.04, the Online Bible Ÿ folder, and numerous additional files. After you have successfully unpacked "OnlineBible.2.0.4.image", you will need to (a) delete the file, and (b) transfer all files from your 720 k diskette to your hard drive. Before you do that, however, you should proceed as follows. 4. You will be using DiskCopy to unpack the file, "OnlineBible.2.0.4.image. Proceed as follows: a. Double click on the icon for the program file, DiskCopy. You will then be presented with the DiskCopy banner. Click on the banner to get to the program. b. Ask the program to: Load Image File. The program will then give you a menu selection. Use the menu selection to locate "OnlineBible.2.0.4.image" on your hard drive, and select it by double-clicking. c. Once the program has finished loading the image, ask the program to: Make a Copy. The program will then que you to insert a diskette, to which you respond by inserting a 720 k, Macintosh formatted diskette into your disk drive. The program will then take several minutes to load the image in memory to the diskette. When that has been completed, ask the program to: Quit. d. Take a look at the contents of your diskette to make sure that DiskCopy has copied files successfully to your diskette. e. Delete the "OnlineBible.2.0.4.image" file from your hard drive. f. Transfer all of the files from your diskette to a suitable location on your hard drive. __________________________________________ ADD-ON MODULES (.SEA FILE NAME EXTENSIONS): All of the Add-on modules for Online Bible, at ICLnet, have been uploaded as .SEA (Self extracting archive) files. Additionally, each series is comprised of a set of segmented files for the series. This segmenting only means that you have to have all of files for one add-on module on your hard disk before you attempt to unpack the module. When you then double-click the module you wish to unpack, all of the .sea segmented files for that partic- ular module are automatically unpacked. For example, the KJV-RSV module is comprised of five segmented files. You would download all five .sea files for KJV-RSV before attempting to unpack the set. When you have all of the files for a particular module down- loaded, double-click on the first file on the series. The unpacking program will ask you where you wish to unpack the files, to which you should respond by select the Online Bible Ÿ folder. Unpacking will take several minutes for each module. __________________ TEXT SUPPORT FILES: We recommend that you download the corresponding text support files for each module, and locate them in the directory of your choice for future reference. Thank you for visiting ICLnet, and please come again. ________________________ The NJB Team, for ICLnet ---------------------------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/software/mac/online.bible: 00readme.olb.txt (rev. 10/97)