PSALM TEN WHERE IS GOD? It is an age old question - "If there is a God, why has this happened?" How strange it is that people who profess no belief in God Almighty, are quite willing to blame Him when disaster strikes. Even if one were able to PROVE the existence of God by mere argument, men would not necessarily believe He existed. The Bible makes it clear that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. In considering the question, where is God?, let us bear in mind three important things:- 1. The proximity of God. 2. The proof of God. 3. The providence of God. How near is God? If we are to consider His proximity we must ask this question. The psalmist sings, "Why standest Thou afar off? Why hidest Thou Thyself in time of trouble?" It is quite a common mistake to think that God is far away when trouble comes. God remains the same. He is just as near (or as far) in times of trouble as He was before it happened. BUT, in times of trouble we can be more occupied with our trouble than we ever were previously acquainted with God. God is always there. If in times of trouble we feel He is afar off, then the withdrawal is ours, and of our own making. At the end of the story of Noah in the Flood, the Bible records, "The Lord remembered Noah." As a matter of fact He had never forgotten Him. But it must have seemed to Noah, after that long period cooped up in the ark with all those animals, that a visit from God was overdue. So when God did move in, it would appear to Noah that at last the Lord had remembered him. We may forget God; He will never forget us. We exist in God; by Him we live and move and have our being. Should He forget us, but for an instant, we would cease to exist. WE ourselves are the proof of His existence. We are living in days when men ask for proof because of a so called scientific outlook. Ask him to prove the theory of evolution by producing the missing link and he sneers at your unscientific attitude. It is quite possible in this life to have more proof and less faith. Dogmatism has injured the Church's witness. There is nothing worse than an ignorant repeating, ad nausium, of dogmatic statements. He who comes to God must believe that He is and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to reveal the Father. The proof of God is in our hearts. All the thoughts of the wicked are, there is no God. The psalmist then sings of the Providence of God. He is the helper of the fatherless. He is the provider for the poor. He is the patient listener to the humble. There is no end to the provision which God has made for those who trust him. One hymnist put it this way, "They who trust Him wholly, find Him wholly true." God has a plan and purpose for every life. That plan is only fulfilled and the purpose worked out with the co-operation of the person. For God has given to each of us a free will. When we make His will ours we discover that all God's provision is focussed on what He intends us to be. He is preparing our hearts for a transformation which will bring us in line with His will. This is the fullest fulfilment of our lives. Our satisfaction is to be what He wants us to be. In this way we fulfil our destiny. He is preparing our hearts. What we take to heart benefits us. What we really believe - we believe in our hearts - not in our minds. This is why the Bible says, "With the heart man believeth unto salvation." Copyright (c) 1995, Hedley Palmer. All rights reserved. ---------------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/hpalmer/psalms: ps-010.txt .