PSALM FOURTEEN PARADISE This is a psalm of longing. We look around and see the wicked prosper. Places of wordly amusement, of gambling and of lust, prosper, whilst the House of God is neglected. The longing expressed in this Psalm re-occurs and expresses itself afresh; Psalm 53 is identical to this one but fuller. We look for paradise. But what paradise do we wish to see? there are three types of paradise in this psalm. THE FOOL'S PARADISE. The word for fool, in the Hebrew does not mean one who lacks wisdom. It means one who refuses to include God in his knowledge. There is no God...that is the fool's paradise. He has said in his heart, "There is no God!" He has persuaded himself that he is in his own delectable place, where there is no accountability, no control, no judgement. The fool's paradise is the place where you fool yourself and think you are fooling everybody else, and in particular that you are fooling God. Even Christians can fall into the habit of regarding God as a theory. God is a person. THE PARADISE OF GOD'S PEOPLE. God is in the generation of the righteous. It is our great joy to discover that God is in the business of living. God is our refuge and strength. Earthly living can become a life of heavenly expectations, because God is in it. We live from day to day. There is no other way to live. How many times have we said to ourselves, "If only we could get away from it all"? We can! by living NOW, filling the present with the prupose of God in our lives. God is a present help. It is our yesterdays and tomorrows that trouble us. We so often destroy the present by trying to solve the problems of tomorrow, which we are sure will come, because of the mess we made of yesterday. It is of no use saying, "If only things could be as they were." That can never be. But we can know that God GENERATES for the righteous...He brings to life. God protects, God assures, He has brought the joy of living into our lives. We must therefore live it in the present as He has provided. God does not offer us an insurance, He gives us an assurance. Insurance is for property. Assurance is for life. You can be sure that God will preserve all who trust in Him. Many in the early Church took joyfully the spoiling of their goods (property) knowing that they had in heaven a far more enduring substance. If you try to build your own paradise with goods, you will surely lose it in the end. GOD'S PARADISE. There is also God's paradise. How the heart of the dying thief must have throbbed with expectation when the saviour told him that that very day he would be with him in paradise. God's paradise is a place of salvation and restoration. The Gospel of Jesus Christ offers to all who will believe an immediate entrance into Gods paradise. How else could the Lord Jesus offer the thief an entrance there that day. The Apostle Paul writing by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit speaks of the death of the Christian believer as, "Absent from the body and present with the Lord!" Salvation is of the Lord! This applies to all our being. We shall know full salvation after the resurrection, when our bodies shall return from the elements. There will be a restoration of all things. We shall in that day find full release before His paradise. Copyright (c) 1995, Hedley Palmer. All rights reserved. ---------------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/hpalmer/psalms: ps-014.txt .