Sunday Snippets 16 28 Jan 95 This week's Snippet is taken from the `Epistle Dedicatory' of what was in 1611 a new translation in English of the Holy Bible. The monarch addressed was, of course, James IV, "King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland", who himself was the commissioner of this translation that bears his name to this day. I chose this excerpt as a Snippet because of the priorities of life mentioned in the second paragraph. The translators echoed the thought of the Apostle Paul in II Corinth. 4:18; "...for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are unseen are eternal." " GREAT and manifold were the blessings, most dread Sovereign, which Almighty God, the Father of all mercies, bestowed upon us the people of England, when first He sent Your Majesty's Royal Person to rule and reign over us... "BUT among all our joys, there was no one that more filled our hearts, than the blessed continuance of the preaching of God's sacred Word among us; which is that inestimable treasure, which excelleth all the riches of the earth; because the fruit thereof extendeth itself, not only to the time spent in this transitory world, but directeth and disposeth men unto that eternal happiness which is above in heaven." --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday Snippets copyright 1995 by G. MacKenzie Strickland. May be freely redistributed (unmodified). Direct requests for a weekly subscription to Snippets, or inquiries about author to --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This week's Snippet is posted on Soc.Culture.British, Christnet.Religion, and others. Pray for those many who read, that they may increase in their desire to follow Christ. Sunday Snippets 16 28 Jan 95 This week's Snippet is taken from the `Epistle Dedicatory' of what was in 1611 a new translation in English of the Holy Bible. The monarch addressed was, of course, James IV, "King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland", who himself was the commissioner of this translation that bears his name to this day. I chose this excerpt as a Snippet because of the priorities of life mentioned in the second paragraph. The translators echoed the thought of the Apostle Paul in II Corinth. 4:18; "...for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are unseen are eternal." " GREAT and manifold were the blessings, most dread Sovereign, which Almighty God, the Father of all mercies, bestowed upon us the people of England, when first He sent Your Majesty's Royal Person to rule and reign over us... "BUT among all our joys, there was no one that more filled our hearts, than the blessed continuance of the preaching of God's sacred Word among us; which is that inestimable treasure, which excelleth all the riches of the earth; because the fruit thereof extendeth itself, not only to the time spent in this transitory world, but directeth and disposeth men unto that eternal happiness which is above in heaven." --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday Snippets copyright 1995 by G. MacKenzie Strickland. May be freely redistributed (unmodified). Direct requests for a weekly subscription to Snippets, or inquiries about author to --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This week's Snippet is posted on Soc.Culture.British, Christnet.Religion, and others. Pray for those many who read, that they may increase in their desire to follow Christ. -------------------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/sunday.snippets: snip95-16.txt .