Jesus' Witnesses

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Blood Transfusions: Sustaining the Purpose of God, By David Henke, Watchman Fellowship, Columbus, GA. Watchman Expositor, (undated) [jw-087.txt]

Policies that Kill: Jehovah's Witnesses: Playing with Peoples' Lives. by John Whaley. Watchman Expositor, (undated) [jw-076.txt]

Public Trust: Should Christians Tell the Truth? by Bob and Gretchen Passantino, Cornerstone, v.21:no.98, pp.5,22 (1992) [jw-036.txt]

JW's and War. Memo from Don Sisco to Carla Rygula, (undated) [jw-039.txt]

Watchtower Instructs Followers to Breach Professional Confidentiality, by David A. Reed. Christian Research Journal, v.10:no.2 (1987:fall) [jw-020e.txt]

The Watchtower Society and the Issue of Rape. Undated memo. [jw-rape.txt]

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Jesus' Witnesses

Document prepared by permission, ICLnet.

NJB, 1996:Nov.17